Palos Bible Church is located near the corner of Harlem Ave & 127th St. in Palos Heights, IL between 70th Ave & 69th Ct.
Sunday Service Time: 10:45am
Child care provided
Hi, if you’ve found this page, I’m excited that you are interested in connecting with us at Palos Bible Church. My name is Pastor TJ Osborn. I didn’t grow up in church, so it’s kind of funny I’m pastoring one now. In fact, it wasn’t until I was nearly an adult that I actually turned to God and saw his wonderful love for me. He loved me even before I was born, but I was too busy pursuing my own life apart from him to even recognize him. What I realized is that in most of my attempts to be great in life, I did a pretty good job messing things up. According to the Bible, my pursuit for my own desires was called sin. Adam and Eve pursued their own desires by eating of the fruit in the Garden of Eden that God had told them not to eat. The Bible tells us that what we deserve because of our sin is death and because God is Holy and perfect and free from sin, we are separated from God. That’s why we don’t live in the Garden of Eden, because Adam and Eve were kicked out. But, because of God’s love for us, even before I was born, and before he even created humanity, he knew he would need to make things right. We can’t do it on our own, which is why no matter how hard I tried to succeed in life, I failed. In a season of desperation, I went to church and heard about how Jesus, fully God and fully man, pursued this sinful humanity. He came to tell people to follow him, to receive his gift of love, and to repent of their false hope of being “good enough”. Jesus, knowing that death was required as the punishment for sin, willingly went to the cross to die a sinner’s death that I deserved. Jesus promised to raise again three days later and did, proving that he had conquered sin and death. He told his listeners to come to him all who are weary and burdened. That was me. Even though I didn’t fully understand what this was going to mean for my life, that God was going to take me and change me, use me for his kingdom, I desired for that burden to be lifted. I trusted Jesus’ payment for my sins and I have never looked back. He is the way, the truth, and the life! Because of his sacrifice for me, I now have a relationship with God and I long for the day that I get to thank you in person for all of eternity!
It wasn’t long after my life was changed by God that I sensed God’s call in my life to share this message with everyone who would listen…and even those who don’t. I went to Moody Bible Institute in downtown Chicago and received my Bachelors in Education focusing on youth ministry, married a wonderful follower of Jesus Christ named Heidi. We then went to Dallas Theological Seminary where I received a ThM in pastoral ministry. Together we have served over 20 years in ministry, sharing the love of Jesus to our community and developing the church to Know God, Grow in their knowledge of God, Serve each other and the kingdom of God, and to Share this Good News to the world around us. We have four children that we love dearly, that together with the church, have encouraged to embrace the love of Jesus and grow in their relationship with God. In 2022 I accepted the call to begin serving as Lead Pastor at Palos Bible Church. It has been a very nurturing church for us and I hope it will be for you too.
God Bless,
Pastor TJ Osborn