The ultimate goal of Palos Bible Church is to glorify God in all we do. We desire revival; we want to see the manifest power of God changing lives in unexplainable ways; we long to hear “Well done” from our Savior upon His imminent return. To this end we have identified the following core biblical values.
We desire to worship God sincerely and with a pure heart in complete surrender to Him. We are called to personal holiness and need to strive to be more like Jesus Christ. We are called to faithful stewardship despite the materialism and wealth of the culture around us. We will faithfully and thoughtfully participate in the ordinances of Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Table in obedience to God.
We are called into relationship to encourage, serve, equip, protect, and love one another, We desire the courage and transparency to truly care for each other and function as the Body of Christ. We are called to have the openness to share struggles, failures, joys, and victories with one another while faithfully praying for and forgiving one another. We are called to express genuine love for each other as well as the world around us.
God’s plan is for a community of believers where each of us is in process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. He calls each of us to grow and follow Him. We must be committed to being faithful to personal and family devotions. Our walk with God is threatened by our inherent busyness and our pursuit of entertainment, and yet for us to live is Christ and to die is gain; our hope and citizenship are in heaven.
We are called to make known by word and deed the love of the crucified and risen Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that people will repent, believe, and receive Christ as their Savior and obediently serve Him as their Lord in the fellowship of His church. We are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, and are compelled by the love of Christ to share the good news of Christ naturally, lovingly, and enthusiastically. While the message is unchanging, we need to be open to creative ways of spreading the Gospel.
Missions is a natural extension of our commitment to evangelism. The Great Commission calls us to go to all nations, and Jesus’ final words call us to be witnesses locally and to the ends of the earth. We therefore, stand committed to a global vision, expanding our missions program in depth and breadth, commissioning long and short term missionaries from within our congregation, and faithfully supporting missionaries prayerfully, emotionally, and financially.
When Jesus Christ our Lord and Master washed the disciples’ feet, He called us to love and serve one another. This is ministry. Each and every member of the Body of Christ is vital; one cannot function without the others; all are called to serve. Our priority in ministry is to be responsive to those in need both inside and outside our fellowship and, despite our busyness, to have the availability to meet needs as they arise. We minister for His glory, in His power, and under His guidance while using the gifts and talents He has given to us.